
How to search icons

Searching for icons on the project is very easy and similar to most widely used search engines. In a searchbox that is provided on any page of the web-site, enter a keyword for the icon you need and click the "Search icons" button.

Advanced search

The advanced search options (available on home page under "Advanced search" link, and visible in all other pages) provide users with more control over searched icons.

Icon size
icon size slider The feature is represented as a slider in the advaced options panel. By moving each pointer to a particular location on the slider line you will be able to set the range of the desired icon size.

License filtering
License filtering box The license filtering box allows you to select the iconsets that are available for use for commercial projects. In case your project is personal, then simply set the "No license filtering" option, as all icons that are available on our projects are free for personal use.
In addition the project has some iconsets that allow icons to be used for commercial projects, but a developer would have to place a particular link in regards to the provided license of a particular iconset.

Preview options

In the preview options available on the right hand side of each search page you will find different icons:

Zooming in
Zoom in icons Some icons are too small and are hard to see, but might be useful for particular purposes. In order to let users see an icon closer, we have added the "zoom in" option. Click on the plus or minus icons to the right and to the left of a lens icon respectively to increase or reduce the zooming level. Them point your mouse cursor to a particular icon and you will see it increase in size:

zooming in icon previews

Preview background
Setting a background color of search preview Having clicked on a particular color in this box, you will be able to change the background color of each icon preview box. The last box allows you to set a custom background color through the means of a color picker